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9 Rules for Good CustDev: How and Why to Ask Questions to Potential Customers
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9 Rules for Good CustDev: How and Why to Ask Questions to Potential Customers

Customer Development (CustDev) is a methodology for creating products or startups based on validating the idea or prototype of the future product through potential consumers. This process involves gaining insights from users to create, validate, and optimize product development ideas through structured interviews and experiments. For a customer to want
3 min read
The satisfied customer is a successful business (Kano Model)
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Product Management Featured

The satisfied customer is a successful business (Kano Model)

«Kano Model» - Method used to evaluate consumers' emotional reactions to individual product features. This model (graph) is constructed on two parameters: functionality and satisfaction. These parameters are evaluated by users as follows: * Must-be (M); * One-Dimensional (O); * Attractive (A); * Indifferent (I); * Reverse (R). 1. Must-be Attributes Example * The presence
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