The manifesto is a way for a brand to declare itself

In an era where thousands of meaningless applications are created and many similar businesses are opened, it's worth considering the value you bring and want to create.
Let's analyze together how to formulate a strong brand manifesto: your unique business card and your strength in the business world. A manifesto is not just words; it's your vision of the world, an emotional channel that connects your brand with the feelings and opinions of customers. The manifesto guides your behavior in difficult situations and helps colleagues solve urgent problems on their own. It plays a key role in shaping the image and presentation of the brand in the market.
For product managers, knowing the brand manifesto is crucial as it helps define the key values and mission of the product, which in turn affects the product development strategy and its positioning.
For entrepreneurs, the brand manifesto is the foundation for creating and developing a successful brand, helping to define its unique proposition and stand out in the market.
Influencers who create their own products can use the brand manifesto as the basis for their content and messages, helping to establish a deeper connection with the audience and increase engagement. Choose what to believe in, your point of view, and convey everything from that position.
Why manifestos should become more than just pretty words
Manifestos were not invented by marketers. The concept of a manifesto was previously used in political party election campaigns to answer questions such as: "What does the party believe in?", "What does it call for?", "How exactly will it improve people's lives?". Therefore, the brand manifesto must demonstrate what the brand believes in, what its position is, and what it calls the audience to do.
The brand must remain true to its product. For example, for a sports brand, talking about workouts and a healthy lifestyle is the norm. However, a dairy brand would find it difficult to link anti-violence statements with its product.
Therefore, the brand manifesto is necessary to gather its audience of like-minded people who support the company's values. The brand's task is to find what resonates in society.
I like the manifesto
Donβts β The Independent
The British newspaper The Independent launched a video in 1999 that listed all the most popular social "don'ts" and "don't be" commands. In the end, only two words appear on the screen: The Independent.
How to create a good manifesto
Creating a manifesto can take a lot of time, and it needs to be refined at different stages of the company's development. You can't simply state how to create a manifesto, as it won't fulfill the principles I described earlier. However, there are certain principles that will help you choose the right direction:
#1. Feel your own. Determine what motivates the brand or what it fights for, and ensure this resonates with people.
#2. Be honest. The task of the manifesto is not to increase sales but to say something important about yourself and be heard. People only listen to those they trust.
#3. Meaning above form. Create and convey the main message first, then take care of color correction and other details.
#4. Be clear. The format, formulations, and presentation of thoughts should be as precise and clear as possible.
#5. Act. Act without templates and algorithms, without the notion of "right" or "wrong".
Good luck
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