The satisfied customer is a successful business (Kano Model)

«Kano Model» - Method used to evaluate consumers' emotional reactions to individual product features. This model (graph) is constructed on two parameters: functionality and satisfaction. These parameters are evaluated by users as follows:
- Must-be (M);
- One-Dimensional (O);
- Attractive (A);
- Indifferent (I);
- Reverse (R).
1. Must-be Attributes

- The presence of a steering wheel in a car
- The ability to make calls on a new smartphone
- Buttons on a shirt.
The absence of must-be attributes in the product will lead to low functionality and a low level of satisfaction when using it. Although the presence of "Must-Be" features has a positive impact on the product's functionality, it does not lead to a positive level of customer satisfaction.
If you bought a car without a steering wheel, a smartphone without the ability to make calls, or a shirt without buttons, how would you feel? This is a rhetorical question.
What feelings will you experience if you buy a car with a steering wheel, a smartphone that can make calls, a shirt that you can button up?